Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Soon, my roaring begins
Once upon a time in the land of Lyon, I was an unknown lion waiting for an artist. Taken in by Alain Pouillet, a French painter (see an example of his art HERE), I was transformed into the beautiful creature you see in the photo above. Inside my hide, I was still Roary the lion who wanted to roar about the injustice I see in the world. While protecting the people in agony below me, I felt helpless to do more, but I was nevertheless required to stand tall as people admired the artist's work on the canvas of my fur. It was months, nay years, before Bonnie stumbled upon my photo and felt we should become partners in a writing project. I would be able to ROAR like a lion!
When she discovered me, I was known simply as Lion #30. Now I am a literary lion, working with a published writer, ready to roar to protect people in need, like the persons represented by the faces on my pedestal. There are 21 of them, so I have convinced Bonnie to work with me to produce 21 roars: Roar #1 will appear soon on this blog, as soon as I decide where to start in the myriad problems confronting the world today. Wish me luck, fellow lions, and please feel free to suggest subjects for my roars.

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This could be as big or small a roar as you like, but please ROAR at the stupid people who make everyone else's life hell.
Well, to begin with I was thinking about one stupid person who had upset my writer, but then as I began to think about the comment I realised that there were political leaders, presidents, all kinds of people who made silly decisions that impact on other people's lives in a bigger way. I know that I am not being any more specific, I suppose I am just saying Roar at the injustice in the world, that it may one day be overcome.
Ecanus sends good luck to you Roary as well as his muscle to assist Bonnie the writer. A library in every house, a book in the hand of every child...
Thanks for inviting Leola. She is happy to be here. When she is not looking after her young ones,she likes to visit.
A leonic hug from Leola!
hi roary
love your name
it's loud
I will be here for you to also see the beauty in the world.
Hi Roary,
Shimshon here. Took me a while but I got here in the end.
Debi, my writing partner, has already furnished me with a list as long as my tail of injustices to roar about.
We lions must stick together. Imagine if we all roared at the same time - now THAT'S power ...
Endelyn, injustice will be a BIG roar.
Ecanus and Kat, books and libraries are extremely important to me.
Leola, thanks for the hug; I needed that.
Yes, Derek, I hope I am always able to ROAR as loudly as my name implies.
Yes, Kaleidoscope, keep us ever mindful of the world's beauty. I see it best in small details, even more than in majestic sunrises: the curl of a newborn's fingers, the sheen of a beetle, the pattern in the center of a sunflower. Thank you for reminding me of these things.
Shimshon and Debi, I agree that we lions must stick together, so let's consider suggesting one particular injustice we could get the other lions interested in. Any ideas?
Thanks, everybody, for dropping by my lion's den.
Leonardo here with a high paw for your roaring place. I think I'm going to have to get on my caretaker about this....
ROTFL ... very good, Leonardo! I wonder what she'll do about it. In my case I just went ahead and did it and let Bonnie find out about it later. I wanted her to know I'm not a namby-pamby, but a take-charge sort of lion.
Roary ^..^
Hiya Roary! Kashgar here. That's an impressive roar you have there, I look forward to hearing a lot more roaring, after all, it is what we lions do best!
I love the idea of 21 roars.
Roary, thanks for inviting me to visit. I'm sorry I couldn't make it sooner, but I had to help care for my writer during a nasty spell.
I think the one thing I'd most find worth roaring against is hatred / bigotry.
Hey, Roary, thanks for coming over last night and making me and Dewey your special salmon recipe! Too bad Bonnie couldn't make it, eh?
Had to wander by for a visit, Scarlett and I've been gone a while, but you were a must to visit as soon as we got back!
Perhaps a literary lion of your caliber would find lack of literacy and evolving language a cause to roar about ~ I'll be roaring right along with you, should you bring it up. Scarlett's just written a small soap box bit about that.
So good to see you and your family photos, it looks really great here!
Be back soon,
Viaggiatore and Scarlett
I can see that you are extremely passionate about lion. they were absolutely cute.
congratulations for your twins. =).
oh ya, i love the interior design of your house. a lovely place indeed!
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