Pardon these temporary lights on my philosophy shelf. Just wanted to share a few of my serious books.

Bonnie wrote about some of my books yesterday, calling her post
Library of a Lion. Good grief! She mentioned a bunch of children's books first, as though that list helped to define me. Sure, I do read about lions, literary and otherwise, but I also read philosophy, history, politics, sociology, earth sciences, archeology, geography, global warming, English -- I managed to add French after traveling to France from the Serengeti, but this American English stuff if tough! I've managed so far, probably because so many Americans came to the Serengeti, but I need to keep working on my vocabulary. I sound pretty good, you say? Thanks.

Let's return to the subject of books. Have you heard about Ishmael? He's a silverback gorilla who advertised for a student. I recommend Daniel Quinn's book about him, which is entitled simply
Ishmael. The book offers readers an entirely new perspective on humanity's relationship to the world. I have also read Quinn's sequels,
My Ishmael and
The Story of B. These books are, of course, in my literary library. So are a couple of other books by Quinn,
Beyond Civilization and his newest one
If They Give You Lined Paper, Write Sideways, a 2007 book. You haven't heard of it? Well, it figures. You humans seem so smug, not that I'm putting you down or anything. It's just that you are so pleased with yourselves, so sure of yourselves. For example, you are proud to call yourselves civilized, as though civilization were a good thing. I'm not sure about that at all.
Louis and Viaggiatore, you and the other lions in our pride know what I'm talking about. Humans just don't get it, do they? It seemed to take Ishmael forever to get the human to hear his thoughts, though we animals regularly communicate in that way. I've already noticed that Bonnie's cat Kiki comes and sits in her lap, thinking thoughts toward her. Yet Bonnie doesn't always get it. Kiki walks over to the door and sits politely waiting for Bonnie to hear her asking telepathically to be allowed outside. Sometimes Bonnie comes to open the door, but only when she SEES Kiki sitting there. How lame is that?
Humans are so slow to learn from us, but have we ever made the mistake of inventing "civilization" and fencing off land from others? No, of course not. Oh, well, more on this later. I want to keep reading Quinn's books.
5 comments (from the original blog):
On June 16, 2007,
L.M.Noonan said...
I read 'Ishmael' years ago and found it to be a truly imaginative and cautionary tale. I haven't read any of the other novels you've mentioned. I did make the mistake of watching the movie based on the book. I thought a great read and an actor like Anthony Hopkins would make for a really good movie...bah phooey humbug.
welcome to the pride.
On June 16, 2007,
Roary said...
Thanks for the welcome. Movies never seem to live up to the book. By the way, don't forget to tell Lorenza that I hope she'll come over for a visit. Thanks.
^..^On June 16, 2007,
Rob Kistner said...
Roary -
Artheo here!
It was nice of you to invite me to your blog here!
And yes, I remember you. I came to you as your muse, the time you were trying to compose that ode to the wounded antelope — of course, claiming you had no hand (paw) in the matter of the injury… ;)
My, you’ve come a long way… your own blog… and who’s this human called Bonnie you’ve partnered with.
She seems proficient enough as a scribe — given she’s only a human.
Thank you for stopping by Rob’s blog, Image & Vere. Rob’s a nice enough fellow. Seamus asked me to keep an eye on him — he’s getting old… bad heart and all, you know.
Seamus explained that for the sake of Rob’s male ego — I should let him think he has ‘adopted’ me, so… he tries his best to act as ‘my protector’. Protect THE PROTECTOR… I think not! But, I abide his fantasy, and encourage his creativity at the same time.
Humans… so very strange?
Im glad I stopped by your blog Roary... your own song even... very cool -- very cool indeed.
It was nice hearing from you again my friend.
Well, got to fly!
On June 16, 2007,
Roary said...
Hello, Artheo! So good to see you again. You kind of like the human you got, huh? Me, too, she's okay ... also getting old, but in good health as far as I know.
Now about that wounded antelope, I remember that day. How could you imply that I had anything to do with that? If I wanted to kill him, I'd have done a better job than that! My good fellow, I can dispatch antelopes with the best of the lions, so watch what you're saying, please.
Arrhummph! So sorry 'bout that. Too bad you must leave so quickly; I'm sure we could find lots to reminisce about. Do come back soon.
^..^On June 16, 2007,
Remiman said...
Zacch here. Thanks for leaving your calling card with rel. I'm surprised I got it at all. He's an ok guy. but gets distacted easily in his old age. His heart is in the right place but sometimes he tries my patience. I spent the entire day in the lab today doing some investigating for Viaggiatore. When I came out i tried to discuss it with rel so that he could pass along the results to Scarlett but the info was a little above his head. Don't misunderstand, he's of average intelligence but that doesn't quite get it in our world does ti?
Anyway, he did mention that you had inquire for me. I think we may have collaborated on some literary works in the past.....Let's get toether at the next pride mtg. and reminisce.